Every Wednesday night at 7pm EST there will be some live music goodtimes coming to you from Peppermint Grove Studios on my YouTube channel. I’ll be there most times with Nick Henderson (my partner in crime for Little Clouds), playing songs, ambient improvisations, jazz etc. and sometimes with special guests! It’s a new way to connect with you all out there and send some musical medicine through the interwebs.

I’ll be honest with you, lives streaming is in no way easy. I’ve spent a bunch of money on gear to make it possible, troubleshot till the cows come home, made my way through a myriad of different possibilities and software and sometimes my computer decides that it needs to work much harder than usual to push out a stream to the world… all that and we are still at the whims of sometimes dodgy internet connections in Australia. In any case, the audio always sounds lovely and on occasion we have managed to sync the video and audio pretty perfectly (and other times not!).
In any case, the Wednesday nights are a great thing to look forward to each week since the touring and all the regional concerts I used to do haven’t exactly been flowing. Despite that, I wake up every morning, look at the bushland outside the window, my garden growing beautiful vegetables and the wonderful people around me and think myself ever so lucky. Finding joy in the small things. Oh – I have a new song about that by the way … all my Patreon supporters got a sneaky preview of it! If you want you can hop over the www.patreon.com/musicbyemilyrose to become part of the community there with me.
In other super exciting news, I’ve just spent the last 3 days down in the Araluen Valley NSW with Chris Stone (violinist extraordinaire, producer and now mixing engineer), mixing my new album! It’s sounding even better than I could have hoped for – all recorded and edited at Peppermint Grove where we had the time and inclination for experimentation, improvisation, reflection and revisions. Good things take time, and I look forward to being able to share the sounds with you soonish.