The joy is real in this photo. I don’t know exactly what it is about playing with Jaron Freeman-Fox and Rose Callaghan, but earlier this year a band was born, and it’s one of the most wild, challenging and joyful musical experiences of all time. This photo was taken at our final concert of 26 over a 5 week period back in March/April, and I love the way it shows to me my own elation that comes with making music with Shark & Fox.
Jaron and Rose are brilliant humans, from two quite different corners of my musical life. I got to know Rose when I first started playing for Rhythm Hunters back in 2018, and I met Jaron at my first Stringmania camp when we were both on faculty, also in 2018. That year was a big change of direction for me, as I chose to elevate my own original music making over being the ‘Argentine Tango Specialist’ I had assumed as my main ‘character’.
Most people ask “how do you make it work with Jaron being on the other side of the world?” (Canada). Our response is generally along the lines of – when you meet someone you simply must make music with, perhaps there isn’t a choice and it just has to work. The truth of the matter is also – it takes a lot of time and effort in arranging a tour, creating music that you imagine will work when you finally get together, and a hell of a lot of texts at weird hours. I am also so very glad that we asked Rose to join us in our crazy expedition, because she is one of the most individual musicians I know and we have grown so much together by being on the road – traversing euphoric, difficult, hilarious, magical and sometimes downright exhausting experiences.
The result… a seriously individual band that is exploring so many corners of musical wonderment, and is gradually becoming one of my favourite groups to be a musical explorer in. I think you will like it too – and invite you to come get freaky on a dance floor, or maybe let go of a tear or two in the comfort of darkness amongst festival friends.
Things are getting so serious – we even have a website! And you can head there to grab tickets to all our shows. Click on our Tour Poster below to go there!

As well as starting the New Years with Shark & Fox, I am somehow managing to be at Woodford with The Good Behaviours simultaneously! Don’t ask me about the logistics puzzle, it’s complex…
This band is just FANTASTIC. The music, written by Nick Henderson, is gorgeous, the humans are brilliant musicians and big kind hearted people that I love spending time with and I am so fortunate to be able to play so many glorious notes with them. Catch us at WOODFORD FOLK FESTIVAL in Queensland! Click on the image below to head to The Good Behaviours gig page.