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I’ve just returned back from visiting my mum for a few days and it has dawned on me just how colourful my calendar has become. Literally colourful – because I’m one of those people who colour codes their activities. Gigs, rehearsals, recordings – yellow, lessons – blue, leisure – purple, gardening – green, shared calendars have their own colours, reminders of other people’s activities are grey. Needless to say, it’s a damn kaleidoscope in there. It’s an interesting thing to look back on this time last year, when we were in another lock-down and my calendar was indeed quite colourless.

So what does this colourful life look like right now? Well, amidst a sudden influx of lots of lovely new students, we are still full of DIY projects at Peppermint Grove – re-doing our deck, trying to finish the chicken coop, building a pond in the garden from an old bathtub… and with spring comes lots of… weeds! So the garden needs a bunch of attention. But so do other things… music for a documentary I’ve been engaged to write, production and recording for Ofri’s new songs, practicing new music to play at The River Folk Festival with Nick’s brand new banjo band The Good Behaviours, a solo show in Port Kembla on Sep 24th alongside Jhana Allan, a week of absolute joy for Stringmania 2022, remembering how to play pieces and training up some new members for a mini weekend tour with Chaika.
On top of all of those things in a pre-pandemic world, it would have been this time of year to apply for all of next year’s festivals, concert opportunities etc. Things are still not quite ‘normal’ though, and many festivals aren’t even taking applications as they are still honouring artist bookings from 2021-22, and many venues have changed management, programmers and procedures… so it’s all very much a re-learning and re-introducing process. I’ve also realised of late, that I have been very much missing the drive to be ‘The Organiser’. It used to be fun when I worked with people like my dear friend Owen Salome. We ran Tangalo together for years, and he was the absolute best musical partner in crime. Alas – Buenos Aires has him now and he is doing AMAZING things over there, so do check him out: https://www.youtube.com/user/owenhsalome
A bunch of things are still on my to do list for my dear Patreon supporters. I’ve got two live concerts to finish editing and mixing, plus my recent Johnston Street Jazz Slow Streams is hopefully going to be available for you too 🙂 For my eager friends waiting for the limited vinyl release, I finally have another test pressing (after the first lot were not up to scratch). I’m also going to be releasing the Vinyl only D side to my Patrons very soon! So, look out for that. For anyone wanting to sign up to my patreon you can here:
In a slightly new life direction, I have also joined the committee of the Sutherland Shire Refugee Connection. They are doing some wonderful work and need all the help they can get, so if anyone is interested in being involved let me know!