Firstly – how beautiful is this video created by Tnee at Raw Mint!? The world is continuing to try and push on through this current crazy pandemic situation. I’ve beenContinue readingPressing the pause and reset button – my Patreon is launched!
Author: emilyrose
A New World Order – April 5 – Living from Online
I knew it was coming. The day when live music would be all consumed from an online universe. And I thought that launching a Patreon April 5th would be aContinue readingA New World Order – April 5 – Living from Online
Letting the Wild Things loose for 2020
The year is off to a rollicking start with gigs for me – so it keeps rolling with: Friday February 28th is time for some wild fun with Emily-Rose &Continue readingLetting the Wild Things loose for 2020
What does a musician do in this fire crisis?
This is both a somewhat eloquent rant and informative post with thoughts and information on the current fire crisis in my beautiful country of Australia. I’ve been thinking a lotContinue readingWhat does a musician do in this fire crisis?
International Jazz Woman ??!! Is it all a dream?
I keep having to pinch myself to make sure the upcoming gigs are not all a wonderful dream, because being featured in the Sydney International Women’s Jazz Festival (Emily-Rose andContinue readingInternational Jazz Woman ??!! Is it all a dream?
SEP 20 & 22 Wild Things Double Bill with VENDULKA! + NEW VID :D
Hello out there all the wonderful people caring to read this! I am bursting with excitement for these upcoming gigs double billing with my band Emily-Rose and the Wild ThingsContinue readingSEP 20 & 22 Wild Things Double Bill with VENDULKA! + NEW VID 😀